Beam me up, scotty! 🖖
Envio hypersync is our blazingly fast indexed layer on top of the blockchain that allows for hyper speed syncing.
What would usually take hours to sync ~100,000 events can now be done in the order of less than a minute.
Since this service is a layer above the blockchain we maintain and host this service for each supported network.
Here is a table of currently supported networks on Hypersync:
Network Name | Network ID |
Ethereum Mainnet | 1 |
Ethereum Goerli | 5 |
Optimism | 10 |
BSC | 56 |
Gnosis | 100 |
Polygon | 137 |
Base | 8453 |
ArbitrumOne | 42161 |
Avalanche | 43114 |
Linea | 59144 |
Ethereum Sepolia | 11155111 |
Don't see your network here? Pop us a message in Discord